Monday, December 21, 2015

I play disc golf
If you're new, I invite you to play with me.
If you're a pro, I want to play with you.
If you're terrible I want to help you.
If you're awesome I want to learn from you.
If you lose a disc I'll help you.
If I lose a disc I'll ask you for help.
If you're my friend I'll talk junk to you.
If you're my friend, you'll talk smack to me.
If I see garbage on the course I'll picke it up.
If I see someone not respecting a course, disc golfer or club I'll speak up.
If you know me and I haven't said disc golf in a conversation with you once, then you're not listening.
I respect the game and if you do all these things the same I'll respect you.
This is your sport. Be an ambassador. There will always be someone who plays your sport who you look up to and someone who you may say this is not who I want to be associated with. Don't be the latter. It may be tough but for the love of the sport it's worth it.
#aviandiscsports #innova #discgolf #hyzerbomb @hyzerbombdiscs #TMT #maythechainsbewithyou #onenationunderpar

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